Delivery to Adolescents (SIPSDA) Funded by UNICEF and implemented by PEDN and Aflatoun International, SIPSDA is one-year pilot quality intervention that strengthens the capacities of 90 schools and 60 out of school youth groups in Isingiro district of Uganda.
Schools serve as integrated platforms that support adolescents in developing life skills across the four core elements, including: active citizenship, learning, personal empowerment, and employability.
Project engages parents, teachers, caregivers, and other key school personnel to create a safe and supportive school environment for adolescents and learners, through introducing life skills education into lesson subjects and teaching methods in school clubs.
Project also trains out of school youth groups leaders and peer educators in aspects of group formation, management and growth, as well as on life skills training ((social, cognitive, emotional and behavioral competencies).
Implementation commenced in July 2020
- Youth Training
- Teachers training
- Youth Clubs
- Saving sessions
- E-bank system
- Youth Financial Enterprises
- 75 teachers trained in 20 secondary schools in 2 districts
- 20 youth clubs established and supported in 20 secondary schools
- 20 youth clubs were established and supported by PEDN in 20 schools. A total of Ugx 5,726,600 was saved by young people in 20 saving clubs
- 5 schools installed the E-bank system to ease tracking of saving in clubs
- 20 social and financial enterprises were established by young people in the project for profit and social good.