Nambatya Grace is a 21-year-old AGYW from Kyamuyimbwa in Kabonera Sub County (Masaka district). After getting financial education training by PEDN under the GTL project, she saved and started a small business of selling plantains (commonly known as bananas or Matooke); as well as making and selling scarves. She never had any idea of starting up any business of her own before exposure to GTL project. Training in business entrepreneurship propelled her to try to be creative and earn money, instead of asking it from men which is a sure way for catching HIV/AIDS.

Sample of scarves Grace makes and sells to people in Masaka
Grace also appreciates the project for opening her eyes about the dangers of engaging in transactional sex. She narrates;
“Before the project, my life would entirely depend on gifts from men in exchange for sex. But when GTL came and they brought us here medical people to talk to us about Adolescent Sexual Reproductive health and how we can keep ourselves safe, I realized that I was putting myself at risk of getting the disease any time. After the session, I became restless, went to the nearest health center to do a HIV test and although it turned out to be negative, I was still not contented and a week alter I did another test to confirm. I have since promised myself to never ever be reckless with my life again.”

Grace at her Banana (Plantain) Stall. she started this business with UGx 30,000
Grace has become a role model to the rest of girls in the area who were like her. She has inspired many to start up small businesses to earn income to look after themselves instead of engaging in transactional sex.