Local leaders and parents too have praised GTL project for its enormous benefits to vulnerable AGYW in Masaka. For example;
- The chairman Local Council 1 of Bwami (Buwunga subcounty) always closely followed and attended GTL; he was impressed by what he saw including the togetherness and team work exhibited by girls during project activities. He went ahead to offer his home compound as a training venue for club 4A and 4B and quite often the groups utilised his house as shelter whenever it rained.
- The Local Council 1 Defence member for Kayugi (Mukungwe subcounty) commended the discipline shown by the girls ever since they joined the project. He confessed that within his area, cases of misconduct and indecency involving girls especially those in the project had all of a sudden disappeared. He was full of praises and gratefulness for PEDN and GTL funders for impacting on the behaviours of girls which had reduced the risk of getting wasted away and indulging with men.
- The parent of Miracle Grace (club 1B in Ssunga) confessed about the improvement in the way she relates with her daughter. Her daughter’s behaviours have changed and she take more responsibility unlike before she joined the project.
- The parents and local leaders appreciated that the girls are now saving some money and they have bigger dreams of starting up their own businesses and some girls have already started up small businesses for a low as 10,000/= to 20,000/= which they used to think could not do anything.

The parents and local leaders at the landing sites of Bukakata and Ddimo noted that the girls had reduced moving aimlessly, they had purpose, and had started small businesses like making and selling toasted bread, selling deep fried fish and making fruit salads. Toasted bread and fruit salad were new ventures in the community which meant that they could fetch some money for the girls.